Most of the time when ever I do phone transaction (banking and other such alike) the call agent would ask a question to verify my identity and the most common question I encountered are "What is your date of birth?" and "What is your mothers maiden name?". Did you know that is information could be easily access by a hacker thru you facebook account? Thus resulting for the hacker to trick any agent over the phone and can post as you. From there the hacker could stole you identy and make phone transactions in your name. The hacker would just check your facebook profile to see your date of birth and from there the hack could also do an investigation to find out who is your mother and try to check her profile too to find out her maiden name. Everything would be easy for him unless raise your security settings.
Here what you need to do.
1.On the upper rigth corner click "Accout" Tab and choose "Privacy Setting" from the drop down menu.
2.Click "Custom" then "Customize Settings".
3. On Family you may choose to be seen by "Friends Only" If you know all you friend and you trust all the friend that you would accept but if not just change it to "Custom" and set it to "Only Me". In this case there will be no direct information from facebook that will be available to the hacker to trace who is your mother.
4.Do the same for your date of birth, I bet you'll choose only me unless you want everybody to know your date of birth.
These are just specific examples but the general rule it keep your personal information private.
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