Sunday, October 24, 2010

Protect Your Facebook Account

A stolen Facebook account is like a stolen identity, it is difficult to recover it. I bet you don't want to spend time informing all your friend that you Facebook account was hacked and stolen. There is a lot of damage a hacked account can do, the least is it will be used to send spam message to all of your friends. Once your account is stolen, it can be use to steal another account from your friends, it can damage your reputation if the hacker start posting offensive material (violence, Porn and etc). If you have personal and private information it may not stay private and personal any more.

To protect you Facebook account

1. Avoid using it on public computers and networks.

2. If your not a public person keep your profile private. Click the "Account" tab and on the drop down click on "Privacy setting" change all of the setting where in only your friends can view.

3. Never add someone you don't know. But also be aware that sometime stalker may create a fake Facebook account just to get accepted to be your friend on Facebook. If you know you are a target of someone, besure to verify the friend request in person before accepting it.

4. If your really want to keep information private NEVER put them in Facebook.

5. Never use your credit card on Facebook, no matter how tempted  you are on any of the offers even it is to good to be true (if it is too good to be true and most probably it is not)

I would like to keep this updated, please leave a comment or a question below and I will try to update this article.

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